
Independent study of California news sources finds dozens of partisan websites posing as local newspapers Link toIndependent study of California news sources finds dozens of partisan websites posing as local newspapers

Most Californian news sources are highly trustworthy, adhering strongly to basic journalistic standards--but readers’ trust in those news outlets is…

What Drives People to Pay for Local Journalism | Medill Local News Initiative Link toWhat Drives People to Pay for Local Journalism | Medill Local News Initiative

Medill’s Spiegel Research Center (SRC) is analyzing many terabytes of anonymous data about reader behavior and customer motivation to identify what…

Introducing The Membership Guide, a practical handbook for launching and growing membership Link toIntroducing The Membership Guide, a practical handbook for launching and growing membership

The most successful modern publishers focus their editorial processes on building trust and meeting the needs of the communities they…

10 strategies for how journalists can cover a watershed as a beat Link to10 strategies for how journalists can cover a watershed as a beat

We all live in a watershed, even if we don’t know it. Watersheds are the areas of land that encompass…

What the AP and Newsday learned from automating coverage of 124 school districts Link toWhat the AP and Newsday learned from automating coverage of 124 school districts

There’s only so much newsrooms can cover. Local news organizations have limited resources and they can not report on everything. …

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