Lenfest Institute and Knight Foundation launch Knight Communities Network to support local journalism funders . Learn more.
Whether you work in journalism or are passionate about preserving the free press, we have ways for you to join our mission to create solutions for the next era of local news.
Donors to The Lenfest Institute for Journalism believe that independent local journalism is critical to Philadelphia and cities across the United States.
The Institute’s work is entirely supported by private philanthropy. Supporters help ensure local journalism is sustainable and can meet the needs of local communities across the country through investments in impactful investigative and public service news coverage, cutting-edge technology for news operations, improved digital products for readers, and greater diversity in both newsrooms and their audiences — all key building blocks for sustainable local journalism.
Individual donors who support the Institute with an annual gift of $2,500 or more are part of our Lenfest Council for Journalism and Democracy, a philanthropic society that includes a host of benefits that deepen your ’ engagement in and understanding of the transformation of the news that is happening at this historic moment.
We work with funders, news organizations, and journalism industry associations across the United States to further our mission of supporting sustainable solutions for local journalism.
We host virtual and in-person events throughout the year for donors, news professionals, members of our Communities of Practice, and more. All of our events are free to attend.
Sign up for one of our email newsletters to learn about grant opportunities, get access to the latest tools and resources for news organizations, and learn how to participate in one of our communities.
We’re home to four learning communities for news industry professionals to connect peers and find opportunities for shared services. These free-to-join communities focus on specific areas within the industry — philanthropy, audience development, statewide news organizations, and engagement-focused metro publications — and support nonprofit, for-profit, and multicultural enterprises.
We provide grant funding to help local journalists and news organizations build sustainable solutions to the business challenges facing publishers. We welcome grant applications in response to grant programs announced and listed on the Institute’s website.
Lenfest Institute job openings are listed on our careers page.
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