Tristan Loper

Head of National Programs

Tristan Loper leads The Lenfest Institute’s National Programs, including the Audience, Engaged Cities, and Statewide News Collective Communities of Practice, drawing on his extensive expertise in media innovation and development. 

He is also the co-founder of the News Revenue Hub, a nonprofit agency dedicated to raising revenue and increasing the reach of mission-driven news organizations. Since its inception in 2016, the Hub has raised more than $100 million from individual donors to directly support news operations. Most recently, Tristan served as the Chief Product Officer and Chief Operating Officer at the Hub, where he led the development of integrated CRM, revenue, and email marketing tools.

Previously, Tristan worked as the lead technologist at Voice of San Diego and has experience in continuing education program management, design, and marketing. Tristan has also developed and taught accredited courses in concert photography. Outside of work, Tristan enjoys spending time with his family, playing music, and collecting instruments.

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