Local News Solutions
The Lenfest Institute provides free tools and resources for local journalism leaders to develop sustainable strategies to serve their communities.
Find Your News SolutionIt can be a constant struggle for news organizations — funders want to support specific projects or coverage areas, but newsrooms aren’t always sure if that’s an area where they want to commit resources. It’s a delicate dance.
That’s why The Lenfest News Philanthropy Network organized “Smart Strategies for Restricted Funding,” a virtual workshop intended to strengthen publisher-funder relationships.
The free workshop took place Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 3 p.m. EST/Noon PST. “Smart Strategies for Restricted Funding” was led by Josh Mandell, grants manager at The Forward. In an interactive discussion, Mandell guided participants through strategies for pursuing grants and gifts from funders, without overcommitting to new projects in the process.
Attendees left this session with ideas for how to present existing initiatives in more effective ways, appeal to different types of funders, and maintain those funder relationships without unintentionally taking on extra projects. The talk was highly interactive and encouraged audience participation.
To learn more about “Smart Strategies for Restricted Funding,” check out Mandell’s presentation slides and the Zoom recording of the workshop.
The Lenfest Institute provides free tools and resources for local journalism leaders to develop sustainable strategies to serve their communities.
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